Original art crafted with passion.

Astrid Colton

Artist Bio

Sudbury, Ontario

Simply, I’m inspired by the beauty of nature and hoping the viewer will be inspired as well.

The detail in my work invites you to step closer and take time to observe the delicate shapes and colours you might not have noticed before.

As a child, I was fortunate to have parents that loved and respected the outdoors. Through my art, I share that love and hope to move someone to explore their connection to nature too.

Currently working with colour pencils, graphite, watercolours and acrylics. And constantly learning new techniques!

Over the years I’ve been a graphic designer, an illustrator, pet portrait artist and a editorial cartoonist. But I always come back to my first love. Animals, and nature.

Formerly trained in graphic design, self-taught illustrator. Full-time freelancer since 2004.

Clients include Canadian Wildlife Federation, Environment Canada, Scholastic Canada, Okanagan Science Centre, Assiniboine Park Zoo, Forest Communications, Science North, Health Sciences North, Main Street Design (Boston), and the City of Greater Sudbury.

Contact Member

If you are interested in acquiring any of our members’ work, please contact them directly.

705 522 7841

Member Gallery

Zebra Study
8 x 10, colour pencil on pastel mat, framed


Hare Study #2
8 x 10 inch colour pencil on pastel mat
8 x 10 colour pencil on pastel mat, framed
Interwoven – The Fallen
8 x 10 colour pencil drafting film, framed
Promise of Spring
8 x 10 inches, colour pencil on pastel paper, framed
10 x 13 colour pencil on illustration board, framed
Sandhill Crane
13 x 16 inches framed, colour pencil on Grafix film
Purifier, Turkey Vulture
12.25 x 115 colour pencil pastel mat, framed
Broken Silence
9 x 11 inch colour pencil on pastel mat, plus frame


Misty Morning Watch
18 x 7.5 inches, colour pencil on pastel mat, framed
River Otter
10.5 x 13.5 inches, colour pencil on drafting film, framed, 2nd Place Drawing 2024 LaCloche art show


6.5 x 4.5 inches, colour pencil on pastel mat, matted and framed. (10.5 x 12.5 inches)
Arctic Wolf
8 x 10 inch colour pencil on pastel mat, framed
10 x 15 inch colour pencil on pastel mat, framed
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