A product of the sixties, I had the freedom to create, explore and play with things that were in front of me. From hang gliders, to floating rafts, custom bikes and radio control planes, I built them all, often with spectacular failure…but it gave me the confidence that nothing was insurmountable given good information, time and patience. I’ve approached my love for fine art the same way and trained at the Florence Academy of Art in Florence, with Philippe Faraut in New York and Joel Prevost in Montreal and have been creating my own sculptures and paintings professionally for more than twenty years.
I am so blessed to have my loving wife of 40 plus years (what!), and two amazing children who have blessed us with six grandchildren who give joy and inspire me every day.
My inspiration comes from my life surrounded by strong, independent and beautiful (inside and out) men and women. My art reflects that and often injects tones of mirth, intrigue and a sense of joy. Having fortunately visited many of the top art museums in the world, I have a particular fondness for the Art Deco period, cubism and Impressionism movements and recently pop art.
The journey continues!
My inspiration comes from my life surrounded by strong, independent and beautiful (inside and out) men and women. My art reflects that and often injects tones of mirth, intrigue and a sense of joy. Having fortunately visited many of the top art museums in the world, I have a particular fondness for the Art Deco period, cubism and Impressionism movements and recently pop art.
The journey continues!
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